再怎麼說我都是個生性疏懶的人,不能保證一定能達成挑戰,不過我會盡力試試看。 題目:( 來源 ) 1. beginning( Halfway Point , XMFC, filmmaking AU, day 1~9) 2. accusation 3. restless 4. snowflake 5. haze 6. flame 7. formal 8. companion 9. move 10. silver( Opposite , Diablo 3, gen, day 10~12 and day 16) 11. prepared 12. knowledge 13. denial (Suits, gen or M/H pre-slash, character study.) 14. wind (XMFC, 'Quivering with Grief' 後續。 請詳讀警告以免踩雷。 ) 15. order (The Godfather, gen) 16. thanks 17. look (True Blood, gen, implied Eric/Godric) 18. summer( The Sense of Sanity , A: TLA, Ty lee/Azula, day 18, 20 and 22) 19. transformation (Gattaca, Eugene/Vincent) 20. tremble 21. sunset( Nothing Emotional, Only Logical (and Presumably Biological) , ST XI, 鏡像世界+性轉,day 21, 24, 27) 22. mad 23. thousand (Midnight Cowboy, gen or Joe/Rico) 24. outside 25. winter (XMFC, 'Quivering with Grief'和'wind'的後續) 26. diamond (ST: ENT, T'Pol/Trip) 27. letters 28. promise (POI, Ingram/Finch) 29. simple (XMFC...